Planning Blog

Props: Since my group and I decided to do a Fiji water commercial the main and only prop we are going to be using and need is the Fiji water bottle. Costumes: In our commercial we are going to have three different actors who are not in our group. My group and I do not want to have a specific costume set for those three people. So those three different actors who are going to be in our commercial are going to be wearing their regular everyday clothes. Clothes such as a regular T-shirt with some jeans. Schedule: On 09/30/2022, our group researched convection's and codes of Fiji water commercials. On 09/30/2022, our group established the props, costumes, schedule, location list, and backup plan. On 10/01/2022, our group will create the storyboard for the 30 seconds commercial. On 10/01/2022, our group will film and get the necessary shots for our commercial. On 10/03/2022, our group will edit and add the final touches to the commercial. Locations List: Our first location...