Planning Blog


Since my group and I decided to do a Fiji water commercial the main and only prop we are going to be using and need is the Fiji water bottle.

In our commercial we are going to have three different actors who are not in our group. My group and I do not want to have a specific costume set for those three people. So those three different actors who are going to be in our commercial are going to be wearing their regular everyday clothes. Clothes such as a regular T-shirt with some jeans.
On 09/30/2022, our group researched convection's and codes of Fiji water commercials.
On 09/30/2022, our group established the props, costumes, schedule, location list, and backup plan.
On 10/01/2022, our group will create the storyboard for the 30 seconds commercial.
On 10/01/2022, our group will film and get the necessary shots for our commercial.
On 10/03/2022, our group will edit and add the final touches to the commercial.

Locations List:
Our first location is going to be at our community pool. We are going to try to recreate the nature feeling that was really evident in the Fiji water commercials. In the Fiji water commercials there is a lot of water present which is why we chose to film at the pool.
Our second location is going to be at the side of our apartment building. We chose this spot because there are a lot of trees, bushes, and just nature in general. In this location we will be able to get more shots of nature which is really what Fiji water commercials are all about. At the spot we are going to bring out our three actors. This is where they are going to say the Fiji water slogan but each actor is going to be given one word to say.
Our third location is going to be out on our porch. We chose this area because it has a perfect view of not only the lake but it also has a perfect view of trees, some grass, and bushes. My group feels as if it would make the commercial better because it shows more than one piece of nature. With this location we would have multiple pieces of nature altogether. Our group believes that this would make our commercial stronger because, we think it would make it more like the Fiji water commercials and will just show more aspects of nature.
Our fourth and final location is going to be at our lake that has a fountain. We chose this location because we have direct access to it. In Fiji water commercials they showed a lot of fountains and waterfalls so we tried to get the closest thing to that as possible. Our group believes that the lake would benefit our commercial not only because it is a beautiful view but because it also has animals such as ducks and turtles which would really get the peaceful and tranquil vibe we are hoping for across. In Fiji water commercials they tend to show a lot of water as well as butterflies so we decided to do our own twist and put the lake with the fountain as well as the animals, animals meaning the ducks and turtles.
Backup Plan:
If the pool is closed we are going to stick with our other locations and just film from our porch, at the lake, and on the side of our apartment complex. This will still workout with our layout for the commercial due to it still being related to nature. Most important part of our commercial is that in our shots we are presenting nature to the audience as a peaceful and beautiful thing. If it is raining we will just stick to filming on our porch. With the view from our porch we can still get shots of the lake as well as the trees, bushes, and the grass. Either plans would be beneficial for our commercial so if we have to result to this back up plan it would not be something that affects the commercial negatively.


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