Genre Research: Mystery


The main purpose of these angles ore to give a sense of doubt or fear


  •   Close -ups are used for emotion (reactions)
  •   Panning shots are used for characters being followed, this keeps the audience attention by making them feel what the actor is feeling
  •   Tilted shots used for uneasy feelings
  •   A shift of power happens a lot in mystery movies, way to give that sense is using high/low angles and birds eye view


There are a lot of things that can't be achieved with simply just filming, editing helps add more of that suspense without having the necessary settings

Some methods in editing are...

  •   fast and slow paced editing
  •   Quick cuts or montages
  •   Flashbacks or flashforwards
  •   Changing the filtering on the scene for suspense
  •   Cross-cutting


  • A terse and unsettling environment can be created by using sound effects like creaking doors, footsteps, and wind, which will help the mystery to develop
  • Voiceovers are frequently used to shed light on a character's motivations and inner thoughts. This can deepen the narrative and offer hints that the audience might use to piece together the puzzle.
  • The employment of abrupt sound effects, such as a loud, sharp noise can startle the viewer and heighten tension in dramatic sequences.
  • On the other hand, quiet can be just as effective. The audience may feel empty and uneasy when there is no sound, which may make them nervous.


"Memento" (2000)

"The Prestige" (2006)

"Gone Girl" (2014)

"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (2011)

“Shutter Island" (2010)


Overall, we like the versatility that we have with the Mystery genre.

Because the setting of a mystery can be in urban areas, it could be easier for us to record with the proper setting. Some possible difficulties would be getting the proper angles such as possible high and low angles, or proper light levels to accurately display the mood. While there are possible difficulties the Mystery genre proves itself quite simple to execute effectively, which is why we would not like this genre simply because we want to challenge ourselves.


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