Intro Blog: The Nerves

Hello, it's me again. I prepared myself mentally  for this particular project. I was completely nervous about this project before, but now I think I'm ready. I'm a little worried, but overall I'm calm. I'm worried that my job will be unstable, that something will go wrong when I shoot, that the image will be problematic. I may have some questions, but overall I'm looking forward to filming and getting back on set. I was nervous before because I had no experience creating videos like this. Now that I'm working alone, I'm even more nervous. This time, no one gave me constructive criticism or stood out. After talking about it and learning more about it, I felt calmer and less nervous. Because I knew I couldn't get lost. Instead, I wanted to be prepared for whatever was to come. After subsequent projects I gained some experience that I will definitely use for this project. I learned how to properly edit, how to make camera angles and movements look beautiful, and how to handle sound. Now you're ready to apply everything you've learned to this project. You can apply everything you learn and take your job seriously. This is an exciting but also nerve-wracking experience. The reason I say this is because I'm always learning and trying new things. Through learning and trial and error, you can put it all together and see the final result. This can be nerve-wracking because you only have one chance to get it right. The fact that I only have one shot at this gives me determination. Determination is what I need. Just do your best and try your best. This whole experience is nerve-wracking, but you need everything to do your best. This project is very exciting to see the growth I have achieved and at the same time think about how I can do better.



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