Intro Blog


As of recently my interest has been in cars. My interest goes back to when I was very little maybe around the age of 6-10. At that age I truly desired to grow up and be a professional race car driver. I believe that a car acts like a mirror of your personality although, they are not more than a combination of metals. Whereas other people would just see a normal car I see drag racing, racing on the tracks, and a possibility to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary. When I say interest in cars, I mean how they work, what makes them run, if something is broken how can I fix it, and other things such as how to drift and driving stick shift. I believe that the start of my interest has something to do with seeing female professional racers, car meets, and just seeing shows and movies like fast and furious. I would like to be able to fix up cars and know what exactly are the objects that are used and/or needed for repairs. By the time I have learned all there is to know I should be to be able to break apart an entire car and be able to restore it to what it was before or maybe even make it better. At that point my goal is to build my dream car myself that way when it’s done it feels 10 times more rewarding. By having such an interest in this I started to do my own research and learn about things like the exhaust, radiator, engine, muffler, and the transmission. Even though I would like to be able to do repairs I would still like to be able to be behind the wheel and know how to do things such as drifting and drive stick shift and females like Tatiana Calderón give me hope that one day I can. My father had noticed my interest in cars was not just a phase, so he offered to teach me to drive stick shift as well as introduce me to a friend of his who does professional drift racing and does repairs on her own car. My sister had also noticed that I was very serious and dedicated to my interest in cars and offered to allow me toa play around with our shared car and do repairs and test out what I’m learning. I am so interested in cars and all that you can do with them that I even watch videos where women teach each other all sorts of things relating to cars so that they can do it on their own without having to ask for any help. With these videos I’ve learned how to do oil changes, change tires, and a few other things involving the objects under the hood. I am currently in the process of learning car phrases such as RT, SRT, SXT, and even more. I have been recently looking into classes I can take to teach me all about what’s underneath the hood of a car and to explain how everything works. Last summer I was hoping to have been able to work under someone in a mechanic shop but unfortunately that was not possible but nonetheless just made me more determined to learn more on my own. Now that I am a little bit older nothing has really changed, my desired profession is still the same just now I would like to be able to do my own repairs on the car that I drive. Everyone has their thing and something that keeps them going while for others it may be sports or maybe even cooking but for me cars is what keeps me going.


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