How to make a short film

 "Write what you have the resources for" is a powerful adage to follow when creating plots and screenplays. We can only write with what we have we are limited in what we can do due to the lack of cameras and microphones for filming. I know it takes time to edit and pace a movie since you only have 5 minutes, you have to be careful about how much to photograph and how much to cut. Overshooting is the best option, but you need to make sure the plot  doesn't need to be fully fleshed out to make sense. There needs to be  some balance, every scene needs to contribute something towards the ending, there's no room for fill-in-the-blanks. Also, the movie isn't very predictable, but it could use a Groundhog Day-type plot, which makes this difficult. While adhering to the theme of the story, there are bound to be  scenes that the audience doesn't expect. Theme determines the plot and must be understood by the audience. You also need to maintain tone across all  variables in the film. There's a lot  to do in a short period of time,  a lot  to show in a short period of time. At the end of the day, everything has to make sense. It's also good to know that you can test your script because the first version will not be the last and things will change at some point. You also need to know the script well, but it is possible to change some of the dialogue. As long as the dialogue fits  the character, it will remain. We need to know the characters and understand how they think and react. Knowing our character makes it easier to play that role. The video also provided great websites and apps for editing and receiving audio. Two websites that we definitely keep an eye on are Filmstro and Frame io. Even if you can't edit or don't have the materials to do it with, there are  ways to create the effect of a particular shot. For example, instead of showing the explosion, the explosion is synchronized to the music, or pointing out the reactions of the actors. We want our film to look as good as possible, so we have to keep all of this in mind.


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