Group Blog

I have decided to work together with Janae. I believe she has the amazing qualities I need to make our group function properly. Janae and I bounce off of each other, which this helps us for the better. Janae has a lot of creativity which I believe would help us push our work to the next level. When she does something, she absolutely puts in her all rather than give 10%. She constantly is trying to outdo herself and is always trying to find new way to make things better. She is a reliable person to have in your corner, when I say this, I mean that when she says she will do something she means it. Working with Janae is not only going to be joyous and exciting but efficient and successful. Janae and I are working towards the same goal which is only going to help make this whole process stay stressless and easy for the both of us. Janae as well as my skill set, and personality types naturally gel well with one another. In order to be a great team player, it’s crucial to have an unbiased awareness of what you’re good at and what you suck at, which Janae is which is why I trust that we can work together without butting heads. Janae knows how to delegate effectively which is ideal because we need to understand the key attributes of each other. Janae tends to be positive in a low-key manner which has a wonderful impact on myself and my work ethic. Janae brings positivity to this group in all situations which means even when facing problems or any issues, her positivity finds a solution to a problem rather than passing the blame and dwelling on things can’t control. Janae is an excellent communicator, she knows how to give tactful, constructive criticism. She always manages to show her appreciation for what I did well, and then explains what I could have done better.  Janae is very good when it comes to cutting off distractions as well as multitasking, we need this to stay on time and to get things done quickly but correctly. She pays close attention to the small things. For instance, she always very thoroughly proofreads her work before submitting it. Her paying close attention to details means that she recognizes patterns that other people might be oblivious to. Janae is very persistent and refuses to give up no matter what the circumstances are. Shembraces new challenges and refuses to give up after setbacks, which only helps our chances of success as a group increase exponentially. Choosing the right team members not only affects the atmosphere and vibe of your group, but it significantly impacts your groups productivity which determines the succession of your group thankfully with my groupmate I don't have to worry about negative impacts because our skills work together perfectly, and we'll be pushing each other to do nothing but our best.


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