Production Blog: Started Filming

 Today’s the day. today’s the day that I started the filming process with my actors. After discussing with my actors their schedule, we decided that today could be the perfect day for us to film. My actors were all on the same page that they were free today and were willing to be filmed. today was a short filming session, but nonetheless, we got some progress down. Today we filmed the opening scenes. By opening things I mean where the audience gets to see what they are doing and who are these people. I decided to make sure that in my script that they said each other’s names so that the audience would be able to know who my actors are. The scenes that I recorded today were mainly just them hanging out together excited for their plans. The group of friends were excited for their plans also talking about their plans, which were to go to the escape room. Embarking on the filming process today filled me with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Witnessing the actors bring the characters to life breathed new energy into the project. Their commitment to the roles and enthusiasm for the scenes propelled the filming session forward. Capturing the opening scenes not only sets the stage for the narrative but also establishes a connection between the audience and the characters. Incorporating dialogue that includes their names enhances the audience's understanding of the characters' identities and relationships. Each moment captured on camera felt like a step closer to realizing the vision I had envisioned. Despite the brevity of today's session, the progress made instills confidence in the project's trajectory. Collaborating with the actors during filming fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect, laying the groundwork for a cohesive performance. Reflecting on today's accomplishments ignites a sense of pride and fulfillment, driving me to push forward with determination. With the foundation set, I eagerly anticipate delving deeper into the story, eager to bring each scene to life with passion and authenticity.


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