Production Blog: Editing the Title Designs

 Today I began working on my Title designs. These title designs we’re going to be The part of my opening sequence where it shows who the Director and everything else is. Today I was only able to get halfway through this process. Nonetheless, I still  made some serious progress.  I made sure that there was only one name at a time on each “slide”. On which, I had to make sure that the font colors and sizes of everything remained the same throughout the entirety of all of the title designs. I also indicated the spacing between characters, I made sure that that is will remain the same for each one. I had already discussed with my partner how I’m supposed to put this within the opening sequence of our movie. I had to make sure that everything lasted the right amount of time to make sure that I am not going out of the time limit.  Doing so I made  the titles look consistent. The same applies to fade-ins and fade-outs and the length of time each track is displayed on screen. I have already started playing around and trying to put this within my opening sequence. This is definitely a tricky process. Due to the fact that I had to Play around with multiple apps. I had to do this to make sure that this comes out the best that I possibly can. I’m still debating on what app I want to use. But nonetheless to make some progress I’m just playing around with some apps and putting this to the test to see if I like the turn out. With doing this I also wanted to make sure that nothing seemed animated. I also wanted to ensure that  this whole thing stayed on a theme and correlated with my opening sequence. Even though that this was definitely a tricky process I still managed to persevere and get some work done.


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