
  •  Scene one will be in establishing shot representing the setting which is the living room. 
  • Scene two will show a woman scrolling on her iPad in her living room. 

  • Scene three will be a zooming shot of the news article that the woman was scrolling on, on her iPad. 
  • Scene four will represent the woman reading the article out loud. 
  • Scene five will represent the woman calling out for her mom to ask her if she’s heard about the situation. 
  • Scene six will show the mother folding laundry in her room responding to her daughter. 
  • Scene seven will show the mother walking down the hallway. 
  • Scene eight will show the mother walking into the living room to meet her daughter. 
  • Scene nine will represent the mother reading the news article on her daughter’s iPad. 
  • Scene ten will represent the woman and her mother discussing how scary the situation is. 
  • Scene eleven will show sudden banging on the front door that startles the mother and her daughter. 
  • Scene twelve will represent creaking floorboards that add to the suspense of the situation.


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