Production Blog: Minor Setback

 Today was supposed to be the start of our filming process. Unfortunately, we were not able to do so. I selected actors that live under the same household as me to make this whole process easier. One of the three actors were not able to be filmed today. With them being necessary to the filming process I had to postpone the start of our filming. My actor wasn’t able to film due to their job. My actor was my mother but unfortunately she was caught up with work so we just had to reschedule the start of our filming process for another day. Since I had to postpone the filming process I focused on other aspects of this process. I focused on other aspects of this process and make sure that everything was taken care of and correct. I had to go through our whole schedule and rearrange the dates. I did so to make sure that everything was going to be done on time and just to be organized. After going through my schedule everything was back on track and I was ready for the next date that I had set for the first day of filming. I had to discuss the filming situation with my group mate as well as my actor. I did this to ensure that we were on the same page and aware of what is going on. I wanted to make sure that everyone understood that we need to get work done and we need to get it done according to our schedule. Due to us having to post pone I also got to work on the script. I had already worked on the script but I took this as time to reevaluate everything and perfect everything. I made sure that the script went along with the scenes. I also went over and made sure I knew exactly what shots I was going to use for each scene. This was a little setback for my group and me. This is only a minor setback though. I am still right on track and should be finished up right on time.


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