Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

 When I clicked the link and the website opened up, I noticed that this website’s images are much bigger and eye-catching than the other website. On the upper right corner of the website, there is a little menu button. When you click this button, different categories pop up that you can research. There is even a search bar at the top of the list of categories. Once you scroll down to the bottom half of the website, there are different categories underneath the interviews that you can research. These categories include feature film, TV shows, event titles, student projects, video games, and French Fridays. Back towards the top of the website where it shows different interviews. There is a variety of interviews. You can choose to research. Each category on the bottom half of the website has its own description. Once you click it. Under the description are different videos. You can watch according to the category. This website is very informative, and is very helpful when doing title card research.


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