Editing and Finalizing Blog

 I finally after some weeks of filming wrapped it all up. This process has definitely been a learning experience. I started our filming process November 24 and finished December 5. During our filming process we made sure to have some of our shots a little longer than necessary. I did this just to be on the safe side. Due to this we had to cut some of them to make them shorter. I kept certain seconds that really showed the best part of the whole shot. I kept the parts of the shots that really showed the entire setting and was more focused. Once my group member and I wrapped up this part we continued onto the next scenes. With some of the other scenes I also had to cut them. At most I had to cut around five seconds off of these shots. Nonetheless me cutting the scenes it made the editing process much easier. Once I wrapped up cutting my scenes we I got to the more tricky part. The tricky part being playing the music over the scenes. This was tricky because I had to make sure is playing throughout the whole video as well as making sure the volume was good. When doing this process I also had to cut the sound off of all of my shots. I did this so that you could only hear the music. I also had to edit the shots so that they flowed together rather than come out  choppy. After this I finally finished the editing process and started replaying the Music video. Replaying the music video was my way of double checking and making sure that everything was added correctly, everything flowed perfectly and did not feel choppy, and lastly just to make sure my music video concluded to be the correct length.


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