Intro Blog Feeling Nervous

Hello, it's me again. I have been mentally preparing myself for this specific project. Before I was absolutely nervous for this project but now, I think I am prepared. I have some doubts but for the most part I'm calm. I'm nervous that my video might come out choppy or that something will go wrong when I have to film, or something will go wrong with the visuals. I may have a few doubts but for the most part I am excited to film and choose a song for my group's music videos. I was nervous beforehand due to me having no experience with making videos like these. After talking and learning more about it I calmed down and started being less nervous because I knew I wasn't going to be lost; that instead I'm going to be prepared for all that was to come. After my last project I got some experience that I will definitely use for this. I learned how to really edit, how to make camera angles and movements look good, and work with sound. I am now prepared to take all that I've learned and put it into this project. I can put all that I've learned that way there is some serious progress in my work. This is an exciting yet nerve-racking experience. I say this because I'm constantly learning and trying new things. After all the learning and trying I do I can put it all together and see the end result. This is nerve racking due to the fact that I only get one chance to get this right. The fact that I only get one attempt to do this gives me determination. Determination is exactly what I need. With that I will only try my best and give it my all. This whole experience is nerve wracking, but it is all necessary in order for me to do my best. This project has me excited to see what growth I have made while also seeing how I can do better.


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