I Was Sick

Today I did not make any progress. I did not make any progress due to the fact that guy was sick. Because of the fact that I was not feeling well my group and I did not get a chance to work together. With me being sick we were down a Director and a actor. Because this set us back a little we took this as an opportunity to plan ahead. I fixed our schedule in terms of recording. I had to fix our schedule because this set us back. Although, this did set me back this gave me the chance to really perfect my plan as well. I focused my attention on meeting the deadlines but also giving me enough time to record and put in my all and not do a half job. Which is exactly what I did. I set back my schedule a day or two just to give myself some time to feel better. I also took my time to think about what camera movements, angles, etc. I wanted for each shot. During this time I took out to think about what camera movements, angles, etc. I wanted to use I came to a realization that I was going to be using a lot of pan and tilt. I want to use these movements in particular just because it gives me the opportunity to really show the setting of my shots. Due to my group member being my sister I still got to see her during this time.  Meaning that I still got to communicate with my group member about how I want to move forward. In a few days I should be feeling better which means that I should be back on track. Once I feel better my first plan of action is to start filming for my music video.


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