Storyboard Blog

 First Scene:

I will be filming at my first location which is a water fountain. I will be using a pan movement for this specific scene. With this specific movement the audience will be able to see the full view. In this first scene you’ll see the large body of water, a bunch of bushes, and trees and if you look very closely even some animals. In this scene there will be a Fiji water bottle directly in the center. There will be background music playing for this scene.

Second Scene:
I will be filming this scene on my porch. In the scene you will see trees, grass, bushes, as well as a lake. This specific scene is at a high angle which gives you a perfect view to be able to see a lot more. This scene also has a pan movement to show more nature. There will be a Fiji water bottle directly in the center of the scene. In the scene there will be background music playing.

Third Scene:
This scene will be of a pool. In this scene there will be water movements and splashes. The scene will be a Dutch angle shot. The main focus in the scene is going to be the water specifically rather than the surroundings in the pool. This scene will have a few water bottle directly in the center of the screen. This scene will have music being played in the background.

Fourth Scene:
This scene will be outside in front of some bushes and a tree. This location is where the actors will do their part but it will be one at a time. This seems main focus will be the actor, the actor will be saying the slogan for Fiji water. This scene will fade out and into the next scene.

Fifth Scene:
The setting of the scene will be outside with some bushes and a tree. There will be a different actor specifically for the scene who will drink some of the Fiji water and say the slogan. This scene will fade out and into the next scene.

Sixth Scene:
There is going to be our last actor outside in front of some bushes and a tree who will drink some of the Fiji water who will then say the Fiji water slogan. This scene will fade out and conclude our entire commercial.

Each scene will last about five minutes and will have background music playing


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