Project Blog

 My Commercial:

This is my group's and my very first major project. I feel as if this project gave us the opportunity to try and test out what we have learned so far. This project is giving us the chance to grow and get better. Due to this project, we have the ability to perfect what we believe are our weak areas. Without having to do this project, I would not have been able to realize what I need to work on and get better at. I am very proud of my first production due to the fact that it shows all the room I have to grow. This project shows just how much potential I have and all that I was capable of before developing any new skills. Overall, this project was a very good learning experience. In this process, I've learned the best ways or techniques to do specific things. When I say specific things, I mean camera angles, movements, and things of that nature. Through this experience, I've learned the dos and don'ts when it comes to filming and editing. This lesson will only benefit me in the long run when I need to do something else that involves filming and editing. Looking back and rewatching the project now, I see many aspects that could have been improved. The visuals, for instance, are something within the project that I could have done or presented better. The visuals came out looking mediocre. With some more practice on editing or possibly with more major projects, this issue can be solved. One aspect of that project that I admire is my ability to incorporate movement and camera angles within scenes. This project gave me the chance to work on both things I struggle with as well as things I am confident about. This was not only a learning experience, but an exciting and memorable one as well. I say this because this is the first time I will be attempting to do anything even remotely close to this.


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