Editing and Finalizing Blog

I finally after some weeks of filming wrapped it all up. I started our filming process October 10th and have finished and finalized everything today on October 13th. Our first scene was eleven seconds long and because of this is had to cut it. I chose certain seconds that really showed the best part of the view. I also had to edit in a picture of a Fiji water bottle and place it in the center. Once my group member and I wrapped that scene up we moved onto our second scene which was of the view from my porch. This scene was seven seconds long which was no that off at all. Due to this, the cutting process was much easier. We quickly wrapped that up and went straight to inserting a picture of a Fiji water bottle directly in the center of the screen. The third scene was a little more on the tricky side. I say this because not only did I have to cut a lot and insert a picture, but I also had to crop this scene. I had to crop this scene because there were some unwanted things in the background. Once I finished up with that, I cut the scene down to five seconds because this one lasted about seventeen seconds and then inserting the Fiji water bottle exactly how I did previously with the other scenes. Since I was halfway through, I then edited some white noise in the background of these scenes. I made it so that the white noise was the main thing you heard rather than the other way around. With the last three scenes we had to edit the videos down and cut certain things that were unnecessary because the scenes lasted for too long. In those scenes the same white noise was playing but they had just been lowered that way you can mainly hear what is being said by the actors. After concluding with all of that editing I edited those last three scenes so that they had a fade in and fade out. After this I finally finished the editing process and started replaying the commercial. Replaying the commercial was my way of double checking and making sure that everything was edited correctly, everything flowed perfectly and did not feel choppy, and lastly just to make sure this as whole concluded to be thirty seconds.


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